31 March 2010

The blog is dead, long live the blog!

To be honest, this blog has been pretty dead for a long time; that's not news to anyone. I'm just putting this out there so that, if anyone is still subscribed to this RSS feed, they will know where to find my new and improved blog ... nay ... my full Web site. Andrushka.net is the domain, and though it's still under construction, if you were actually interested in this blog, you'll probably be interested in that. Also of note, the new RSS feed is located at feed://www.andrushka.net/rss.xml.

About me

  • I'm Scott
  • From Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
  • Busily carving a niche somewhere between angels and apes since 1979.
My profile

    "... if you're not on videotape, or better yet, live on satellite hookup in front of the whole world watching, you don't exist. You're that tree falling in the forest that nobody gives a rat's ass about" (Palahnuik, Chuck. Survivor). This is my performative culture; I am your dancing monkey.