A Metablog Post
I think I actually enjoy editing the blog template more than I like posting. And regarding the subject of the template, I'd like feedback on what works and what doesn't. How about the link colors? Is it too hard knowing where links are after they turn dark green? It the purple too bright? Do you like links underlined or not? How about the bullets? I'm seriously thinking of nixing them. Maybe I'll replace them with Wizards. That's a joke. Ha ha. Sigh. I wish you would have laughed. Then there's commenting--someone has given you a jumping off place and you can run with it. Earlier I kind of went off on a tangent about the possible etymology of Indian Summer over at Mrs. Krovoza's blog. It was probably uncalled for, but fun. To state the obvious though, it doesn't really matter what someone says in their comments; they're terribly affirming just to see that someone's interacting with your words. Blogs are all about seeing and being seen (performance) but unfortunately, you can't actually see the audience to get primary feedback and have to rely on a trickle of comments. Anyway, yesterday I got my new camera. I love it. It fits in the hand perfectly and the pictures seem to be pretty good. Even better, it works well in low-light situations, such as gymnasiums and my apartment. I shot Serhiy for his mother today (as opposed to shooting him for Daniel which would require an altogether different instrument)and I'll probably post a couple of those shots this weekend. So, this may return to the original purpose of photoblogging.
Comments are good. Being your corporate sponsor is great, thanks for that. My problem with you today is that you wrote a blog on blogs. That was what I was going to blog on. Well, I was going to write on why I read other peeps blogs, but we can't have two days in a row with the same idea. Putz.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10/29/2005 08:17:00 AM
I think your template looks good. I like it when people customize their template because then I can tell them apart with out reading them. Well, presumably I would have consciously clicked on a link and already know where I'm at. But sometimes I get confused.
I agree that the beauty of blogs is the dialogue that is possible. I persistently want to post comments on news articles that I think are inaccurate or totally wrong, but then realize, “I can’t talk back to the news.” Accept that Yahoo considers blogs news. Whatever.
Personally, I don’t like underlined links. Also, the links are a bit too cryptic after being clicked on but I don’t know how often people need to click on a link more than once. I like your Carhenge photo a lot and your color scheme works well with what you did to the photo. I’ve been meaning to put a photo on my blog, and mess with the template, for sometime but haven’t gotten to it yet.
Posted by
bryant |
10/29/2005 12:15:00 PM
I laughed after you did; does that count?
Posted by
CëRïSë |
10/30/2005 01:31:00 PM
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