I suppose you can't just wait until next week when you have your new computer. The best lines are when Turk says, "Mothers and daughters. They talk so fast but they talk so true." JD said "I am SO mad at Lorelai right now, I can't even talk about it."
"... if you're not on videotape, or better yet, live on satellite hookup in front of the whole world watching, you don't exist. You're that tree falling in the forest that nobody gives a rat's ass about" (Palahnuik, Chuck. Survivor). This is my performative culture; I am your dancing monkey.
Here's the only wrinkle in your plan. My work computer has no speakers. Yeah. So I don't know what they're saying. Care to paraphrase the clip?
Posted by
Angela |
4/07/2006 11:09:00 AM
I suppose you can't just wait until next week when you have your new computer. The best lines are when Turk says, "Mothers and daughters. They talk so fast but they talk so true." JD said "I am SO mad at Lorelai right now, I can't even talk about it."
Posted by
Scott |
4/07/2006 02:50:00 PM
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